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Welcome to the registration form for the Graduate Days 2014 of CUI


In the course of the process of registration for the graduate days you first have to register for an account. Consequently, a confirmation e-mail with an activation link will be sent to your account. After that confirmation procedure you will be able to begin with the compilation and submission of the registration form. You will also be able to login with your username (which is your provided e-mail address) and password at any time in order to change your saved application form. Once your application has been submitted, you will not be able anymore neither to access the registration form nor to make any changes. If you already have an account, please use the login field.

We strongly recommend to read carefully the instructions given in the online registration form in order to avoid the submission of an incomplete or erroneous application.

The deadline for the registration is Friday February 21, 2014, at 5 p.m. (German time). Early registration is recommended since there is only a limited number of places available.

For any technical issue please contact the scientific coordinator of the graduate school Dr. Antonio Negretti anegrett(at)physnet.uni-hamburg.de.


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