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Information about the scientific lectures of the CUI Graduate Days 2018

Here you can find further information about the scientific course programme of the Graduate Days of CUI 2018 like abstracts and eventually the notes or slides of the lecturers.

Morning long scientific courses

Quantum optimal control of molecular processes. Prof. Regina de Vivie-Riedle (Ludwid-Maximilian Universität München, Munich, Germany)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material: Lecture 1, lecture 2, lecture 3, lecture 4, lecture 5, and lecture 6.

From single molecules to functional biomaterials. Dr. Costanze Lamprecht (Universität Freiburg and Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials, Freiburg, Germany)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Water: The most anomalous liquid. Prof. Anders Nilsson and Dr. Foivos Perakis (Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material: Lecture 1, lecture 2, lecture 3, and lecture 4.

Afternoon short scientific courses

Topological matter: A journey from solid state to synthetic quantum systems. Dr. Marcello Dalmonte (The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material:

Drug delivery systems for antimicrobials. Prof. Hanne Mørck Nielsen (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Macroscopic assemblies of nanocrystals and their applications. Prof. Alexander Eychmüller (Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.