4. Apr. 2019
Highlights @en
21. Mar. 2019
The taming of the light screw
21. Mar. 2019
Researchers generate the shortest ultraviolet laser pulse ever
18. Feb. 2019
New measurement technique for topological quantum systems
5. Dec. 2018
Light-induced increase of transition temperature in superconductors
29. Nov. 2018
Terahertz laser pulses amplify optical phonons in solids
11. Nov. 2018
A new path through the looking-glass
1. Nov. 2018
Atomic view of nature's amazing molecular machines at work
26. Oct. 2018
New technique enables spatial separation of peptide structures
16. Oct. 2018
"Quantum boiling” reveals relativity in atoms
12. Oct. 2018
Novel corkscrew-laser technique can send molecules spinning rapidly about a selected axis
11. Oct. 2018
Disrupting crystalline order to restore superfluidity
2. Oct. 2018
First experiments at Europe's new X-ray laser reveal unknown structure of antibiotics killer
15. Aug. 2018
New approach to simulate the quantum dynamics of degenerate atomic gases
8. Aug. 2018
Editors’ Highlights delve into water
4. Jul. 2018
Ultracold atoms and ultrafast lasers: Hamburg scientists combine experimental expertise
21. Jun. 2018
Invisible deuterium makes membrane proteins visible
29. May. 2018
Water is not simply water
15. May. 2018
World's fastest water heater - 100,000 degrees in 0.000 000 000 000 075 seconds
9. May. 2018
X-ray laser opens new view on Alzheimer proteins
8. May. 2018
Light-induced superconductivity under high pressure
3. May. 2018
Freeze-framing nanosecond movements of nanoparticles
24. Apr. 2018
High-energy X-ray method promises 3D images of intact biological cells
3. Apr. 2018
Scientists create “Swiss army knife” for electron beams
27. Feb. 2018
Good Vibrations feel the force
13. Feb. 2018
Emerging magnetism on vibrating non-magnetic layers
2. Feb. 2018
Superconductors earn their stripes
16. Jan. 2018
Scientists decipher key principle behind reaction of metalloenzymes
21. Dec. 2017
New phenomena in quantum matter observed – scientists at Universität Hamburg analyze dynamical phase transitions
20. Dec. 2017
Second chance for rejected antibiotic candidate
7. Dec. 2017
Novel lenses enable X-ray microscopy with record resolution
28. Nov. 2017
A mixtape for drug discovery
7. Nov. 2017
Crystals in a pink X-ray beam
2. Nov. 2017
Imaging using incoherent light
19. Oct. 2017
Water in nanopores: polarity determines spatial distribution
29. Sep. 2017
A new knob to control and create higher harmonics in solids
19. Sep. 2017
Revealing the nature of mesoscopic molecular ions
15. Aug. 2017
Scientists shine new light on the “other high temperature superconductor”
9. Aug. 2017
X-ray analyses with significantly enhanced resolution
18. Jul. 2017
Researchers develop new transistor concept
18. Jul. 2017
Microwaves reveal detailed structure of molecular motor
27. Jun. 2017
X-ray experiments reveal two different types of water
8. Jun. 2017
Trailblazing discovery: circular-polarized light creates oriented currents in nano-crystals
31. May. 2017
X-ray pulses create “molecular black hole”
30. May. 2017
Double flashes with attosecond precision
6. Apr. 2017
Pinball at the atomic level
21. Mar. 2017
Novel nozzle saves crystals
22. Feb. 2017
Scientists analyze smallest ever protein crystals
8. Feb. 2017
Dynamics of electron clouds unravelled
7. Feb. 2017
Experiment in space
1. Feb. 2017
First experimental verification of a phononic frequency comb
12. Jan. 2017
Laser metronome achieves record synchronization
23. Nov. 2016
Molecules change shape when wet
23. Nov. 2016
Scientists shrink electron gun to matchbox size
16. Nov. 2016
Watching chemical reactions at work using a tabletop laser and special-purpose detector
15. Nov. 2016
High-speed camera snaps bio-switch in action
27. Oct. 2016
Light-driven atomic rotations excite magnetic waves
25. Oct. 2016
Topology opens up intriguing new states of matter
22. Jul. 2016
How do bacteria take up vitamins?
14. Jul. 2016
Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling controls the function of bacterial proteins in infected cells
29. Jun. 2016
Unexpected flexibility found in odorant molecules
8. Jun. 2016
Controlling quantum tunnelling with a single ion
27. May. 2016
Berry curvature of a Bloch band measured for the first time
11. May. 2016
Custom-made drugs to outwit hospital germs
10. May. 2016
High-speed camera snaps biosensor’s rapid reaction to light
4. May. 2016
How do small sugars bind to each other?
26. Apr. 2016
First X-ray laser simulation suite explores single-particle imaging
25. Feb. 2016
A direct view on spin-waves
11. Feb. 2016
Paradigm shift: new method opens crystal clear views of biomolecules
9. Feb. 2016
Superconductivity: footballs with no resistance
9. Feb. 2016
Scientists film exploding nanoparticles
20. Jan. 2016
The cellular crystal factory
14. Jan. 2016
Wetting Camphor
6. Jan. 2016
Optical funnel for nano particles
22. Dec. 2015
Atomic ballet in slow motion
25. Nov. 2015
Kick-out in nanocrystals
19. Nov. 2015
The Molecular Breakdance of Seeing
22. Oct. 2015
Quantum emulation of molecular orbitals
6. Oct. 2015
Physicists shrink particle accelerator
23. Jul. 2015
X-ray laser decodes “off” switch for cell signals
2. Jun. 2015
Novel X-ray lens sharpens view into the nano world
29. Apr. 2015
Scientists X-ray anti-inflammatory drug candidates
22. Apr. 2015
Ultrafast tracking of electron spins
17. Mar. 2015
Molecules perform endless cartwheels
24. Feb. 2015
On the way to the “molecular movie“
19. Feb. 2015
Research team optimizes nanocrystals for solar cells
13. Feb. 2015
Dispersion control freaks: CUI researchers found missing link
29. Jan. 2015
FLASH – the first optically synchronised FEL
10. Dec. 2014
New research paves the way for nano-movies of biomolecules
19. Nov. 2014
Scientists observe the formation of magnetic domains in real-time
7. Oct. 2014
Breakthrough allows researchers to watch molecules “wiggle”
9. Sep. 2014
Researchers Part Water
22. Jul. 2014
When is a molecule a molecule?
10. Jul. 2014
First molecular movie about photosynthesis
8. Jul. 2014
Formation of ultralong-range molecules in ultracold atoms
27. Jun. 2014
Scientists watch molecular footballs explode
4. Jun. 2014
Pioneering Protein Serial Crystallography at Synchrotrons
22. May. 2014
Delayed explosion due to cluster shell
25. Mar. 2014
Twisted X-rays Reveal Spin Waves
18. Mar. 2014
Nonlinear Mechanism for the Generation of Frequency Combs
28. Feb. 2014
A Molecular Ballett under the X-ray Laser
5. Feb. 2014
Novel chiral Bose liquid discovered
10. Jan. 2014
Science: Atoms dancing the Viennese Waltz
7. Jan. 2014
Ultrafast Heating of Water
20. Dec. 2013
Scientists decode serotonin receptor at room temperature
10. Dec. 2013
Chiral molecules reveal their handedness
26. Nov. 2013
Teaching matter waves new tricks: making magnets with ultra cold atoms
7. Nov. 2013
Nature Communications Paper: Dramatic Leap in Energy of Isolated Attosecond Pulses
4. Oct. 2013
Science Paper: A Matter of Form
29. Apr. 2013