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Balancing family responsibilities with a career in science is a main objective of Equal Opportunity at CUI. Our measures and programs are focussing on anchoring the topic in the cluster, integrating family responsibilities into the scientific work environment and offering information and discussion on all related topics.

Our program Family @ CUI addresses all of our scientists with family duties and bundles  our measures on the topic of balancing between career and family in the cluster.

Please let us know if you miss certain aspects, or if you have have further questions.


The care for family members is an integal part of balancing a scientific career with family obligations.  To offer this topic a platform for information and discussion CUI is participating in an annual event focussing on different aspects of care.

Care for family members

Agathe-Lasch-Coaching plus divers

As a member of CUI you have the opportunity to actively join the university-wide program “Agathe Lasch Coaching plus divers”. This program offers individual coaching sessions and career advice for all scientists with familiy obligations.

Agathe-Lasch-Coaching plus divers

Scientific Career and Parenthood

How do I take parental leave? How will my contract and my career be potentially effected by this?

We offer and seek answers and possible strategies to a scientific career with family obligations. At the annual event „Scientific Career and Parenthood“ we actively support information, discussion and networking on the topic of balancing a career and family duties.

Scientific Career and Parenthood

Lab-assistant hours in case of pregnancy/ family duties

In the case of pregnancy or family duties (taking care of relatives or children) CUI support its members to structure their working routine flexibly by offering additional personell support. Applications for funding of assistant hours are permanently possible.

Fotos: Michael Grefe, Ingeborg Adler, pixabay

Reimbursement/ organization of child care (intern/extern)

We offer support and help with the organization and funding in different situations that call for child care, i.e. child care at CUI events, in cases of emergency or conferences on and off campus.

Feel free to contact us, we are happy to offer support.

Equipment Homeoffice

Family responsibilities demand high flexibility, an alternative workstation and alternative working hours models. In case of pregnancy or family duties, CUI offers financial support  fortechnical equipment.

In certain cases the Universität Hamburg supports their staff by furnishing a Telearbeitsplatz (please view Servicebereich des Beschäftigtenportals, Telearbeitsplatz for more information and contacts) or by application for part-time (Servicebereich des Beschäftigtenportals, Teilzeit).


If you are pregnant or in case you need to bring your child to work,  CUI offers its researchers the possibility to work in a child-friendly atmosphere on campus.

Parent-Child-Office Uni HH/Bahrenfeld

Family App

Where can I nurse my child? Where can I find a place in the canteen to have lunch with my child? Where can I find counseling and tipps on the subject of balancing my career and family?  Universität Hamburg’s family-friendly app navigates you across the campus. One look at your phone is enough, and it shows you, where you can find all relevant facilities.

Family App

International Day of Families

Each year in may, CUI organizes a diverse program celebrating the International Day of Families. In cooperation with the family offices of universities in Hamburg and other partners, this day offers a fun program for your children while you can join different events and talks foucssing on a range of topics on family, care and career.

Foto: Michael Grefe