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Information about the scientific course programme

Here you can find further information about the scientific course programme of the Graduate Days 2019 like abstracts and eventually the notes or slides of the lecturers.

Morning long scientific courses (Mon-Wed, 09:30-12:30)

Light-matter quantum interfaces: Optomechanics and chiral quantum optics. Prof. Klemens Hammerer and Dr. Sahand Mahmoodian (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material: Lecture 1, lecture 2, lecture 3.


2D-IR spectroscopy: Protein dynamics, ultrafast structure determination and steering photochemistry. Prof. Jens Bredenbeck (Institute of Biophysics, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.


Density functional theory. Dr. Klaas Giesbertz (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material: Lecture 1-3.


Afternoon short scientific courses (Mon-Wed, 14:00-15:30)

Polaron physics in ultracold atoms and solid-state materials. Dr. Richard Schmidt (Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material: Notes.


Femtochemistry and surface physics. Prof. Wilfried Wurth (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science CFEL, Universität Hamburg, and DESY Photon Science, Germany)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material: Lecture 1-3.


Cellular imaging and nanoanalytics to study neurodegeneration: From nanomechanical sensors to single cell visual proteomics. Dr. Thomas Braun (Center for Cellular Imaging and Nanoanalytics, Universität Basel, Switzerland)

Course overview and prerequisites for its attendance can be viewed here.

Lecture material: Lecture 1-3.