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Networking and Events

CUI’s networking  events offer a great opportunity to network with other female scientists and to openly discuss various topics focussed on careers in science. They are open to scientist on all career levels. CUI cooperates regularly with several partners in order to foster networks and  and interdisciplinary scientific exchange on and beyond campus.

Credits: Elena Mpadanes, Marta Mayer

Ladies Lunchtalk

Good food, interesting discussions and great networking: In cooperation with EMBL, CUI organizes these campus-wide lunchtalks that focus on different topics related to careers in science. The lunchtalks take place on the campus in Bahrenfeld and are open for all scientists.

Lunchtalk No. 1: “Making it but (sometimes) Faking It?!?” The Impostor Syndrome in Scientific Careers

Credit: Rosemary Wilson

20th Women in Physics Conference

What are current questions in research? What are women physicists investigating? Are the strategies for the promotion of women still up to date? The 20th Women in Physics Conference, where female physicists from all career levels met on Campus Bahrenfeld, was marked by scientific and sociopolitical discussions. Together with the Department of Physics at Universität Hamburg, CUI had organized the 20. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung (DPT) from 3 – 6 November 2016  in Hamburg. The DPT is an annual conference of the German Physical Society (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG) and its working group for equal opportunities (Arbeitskreis Chancengleichheit, AKC).

Credit: Andreas Vallbracht

Weitere Informationen:

Conference in Hamburg: women physicists discuss the future

20th Women in Physics Conference: Experiencing research, questioning stereotypes

Pro Exzellenzia meets UNI HH

Please note: this event is held in German

Zusammen mit dem hamburgweiten Programm „Pro Exzellenzia – Für mehr Frauen in Führung “ veranstaltet CUI in Kooperation mit der Stabsstelle Gleichstellung, CliSAP und der MIN-Fakultät die Veranstaltungsreihe  „Nachhaltigkeit von wissenschaftlichen Karrierewegen“. In den Lunchmeetings jeweils von 12.30 bis 14.00 Uhr gibt es für Hochschulabsolventinnen, Postdoktorandinnen und Doktorandinnen der Exzellenzcluster und aus dem MINT- Bereich die Möglichkeit zum Austausch untereinander und vor allem Inputs von hochkarätigen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Trainerinnen.

Foto: Elena Mpandanes


„Pro Exzellenzia meets CUI: Kreuzung oder Einbahnstraße – Karriere, was kann das sein?“

 „Pro Exzellenzia meets CliSAP: Karrierewege nachhaltig gestalten durch effektives Networking“

“Managing yourself – Managing Your Supervisor – Elspeth Garman’s Tips for a succesful PhD”

Soft Skill Course with Mildred Dresselhaus Guestprofessor 2015 Elspeth Garman, 5 Sept 2016

“Presenting a Poster Like a Pro: Elspeth Garman’s First Aid For The Upcoming Conference Season”

Soft Skill Course with Mildred Dresselhaus Guestprofessor 2015 Elspeth Garman, 29 June 2016

We will discuss the principles of effective poster design and their presentation at scientific conferences. Topics covered include: choosing a conference; writing suitable abstracts; good poster design; what happens at poster sessions; how to present your poster; how poster judging works; and how to optimise your chances of winning a poster prize. You will be asked to comment on example Posters displayed around the room and feed this back to the group.