Lectures and seminars
General information
The cluster offers excellent research and training opportunities for young researchers on all levels of their career. In the following we specify the underlying concepts and training program.
The main objective of the training program is to provide a stimulating and challenging environment and an infrastructure enabling graduate students to acquire the broad knowledge necessary for forefront research in the interdisciplinary areas of the cluster. The students will be equipped with the necessary scientific, technical and methodical skills. Related teaching will be structured into modules organised by the three research areas A,B,C, from which students can individually select their curricula. Several types of modules will be offered including introductory block courses, lectures on textbook and advanced material and, importantly, seminars, journal clubs, tutorials, colloquia and workshops. The teaching program rests on the groups whose research areas span the complete range to be taught within the training program. This implies that undergraduate and Ph.D. cutting-edge research projects can be offered in all areas of the cluster. The research areas of the cluster encompass the traditional disciplines physics, chemistry and biology under the unifying theme of ultrafast imaging. The course program consists of different categories of modules
- Modules assigned to a certain interdisciplinary research area A,B,C addressing its specific knowledge and skills
- Shared modules of several research areas that provide the know-how to be applied in at least two modules
- Global modules providing the tools, techniques and methods for experiment and theory necessary in all research areas A,B,C
The above structure allows the students to systematically build up their curriculum by choosing appropriate modules which address their personal educational needs for an excellent research performance.
Training in professional and personal skills
A professional career requires not only an excellent scientific research record, but also pronounced personal and professional skills. The latter are provided in a comprehensive educational program for young researchers ranging from undergraduate students to junior research group leaders. Lectures, courses, and workshops in personal and professional skills are organized regularly by the Career Center of the Universität Hamburg, which covers important aspects such as time and project management, scientific writing in English, and presentation skills. For advanced young researchers (postdocs and junior group leaders) modules on leadership and scientific management are offered. PhD students are expected to take at least two basic courses in this soft skill program in the course of their PhD according to their personal needs and after having consulted with their supervisors.