More than 5000 people visited the Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science during the Knowledge Night and Desy’s Open Day where – among others – CUI -scientist gave insight into “ultrafast imaging”.
CUI in the CFEL-Foyer
- General Information about CUI
- Our World in Slow Motion (activity)
- The Three Dimensions of Proteins (activities and exhibition)
- Nanotechnology – small parts, strong impact (film in German), seminar room ZOQ: 13.00, 13.30, 14.00, 14.30, 15.30, 16.30, 17.30, 19.30, 21.30 22.30 23.00, 23.30 Uhr, duration 25 Min.
- A Modern Perspective for Quantum Physics: Quantum Optics and Quantum Computer (lecture in German), seminar room ZOQ: 18.30, 20.30 Uhr, duration: 20 Min.
- Experimenting, activity ZOQ-foyer
- How does a laser work? Lecture, seminar room ZOQ: 15.00, 17.00, 19.00, 21.00 Uhr, duration: 20 Min.
- Investigating the quantum world using ultracold atoms. Lecture in German, seminar room ZOQ: 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.00 Uhr
- Beamwalk-Battle. Experimenting, ZOQ-Foyer