On 15 October 2015 scientists from physics, chemistry and biology surprised people in Hamburg with a special event: They left their labs and fanned out to 30 bars in Hamburg to give insight into current research projects. For 30 minutes the scientists talked about their passion: about lasers and black holes, strings and nanoparticles, proteins and dark matter, Higgs and quarks. “Wissen vom Fass” was jointly organized by DESY, CUI, PIER, SFB 676 and the Department of Physics at Universität Hamburg. The entrance was free of charge.
For more information and photos:
Website in German: Wissen vom Fass
Note: One lecture was held in English:
Proteins in the spotlight
19 Uhr – Ponybar
What do you like most about a “Kinder Surprise Eggs” – the chocolate or what is hidden inside? Researchers enjoy chocolate, but they are mostly fascinated by what is deeply hidden. And similar to the candy, the information about the structure of peptides and proteins – our biological building blocks – lies deeply hidden in the heart of these proteins.