Join MDC! Top-level scientific talks, personal (career) perspectives, exchange of experiences, and networking. From 4. – 6. April 2019 the Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Professorship Conference (MDC) will take place on Campus Bahrenfeld, gathering the excellent “Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Professors” as well as experts in the field of equal opportunity, diversity and careers in science.
The conference aims to serve as a platform for scientists, offering top-level scientific talks, personal perspectives on how to succeed as a scientist in research, and state-of-the-art contributions on topics of diversity, equal opportunity, and the culture of natural sciences.
In addition, MDC will offer practical trainings on top-notch methods applied in natural sciences, an inspiring evening-program that gets you on stage, presenting your own story, and a broad and exciting program for high school students encouraging them to follow and discover their interest in science and research. Moreover, there will be the opportunity to meet fellow scientists and network with inspiring role models.
The conference is funded by Universität Hamburg’s Equal Opportunity Prize 2018 and by the cluster of excellence “Advanced Imaging of Matter”.
More information about the program and registration
Credit: CUI/Columbia University