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Tap the full potential: Girls‘ Day reveals capabilities

DSCF4190kleinYoung women in Germany are educated on a particularly high level. However, more than 50 percent of the girls choose from only ten different vocations in the dual system – among these is not a single scientific-technical profession. This means that young women do not fully utilize their job-possibilities and that qualified junior staff is missing in technical and technique-related professions. The Girls’ Day on March 27th provides a possibility to counter this development: at this special day girls have the opportunity to get a taste of vocations and study courses related to IT, handcraft, sciences and techniques, in which women are currently underrepresented.  CUI-scientists will again use the opportunity to give pupils an insight into research.

The school lab “Light & Schools” has developed two courses which will take place in the Centre for Optical Quantum Technologies (ZOQ):

  • Instructed by Dortje Schirok, pupils from 5th and 6th grade can build a LC-display and learn everything about its function and the physical backgrounds.
  • Dr. Thomas Garl will explore the special source of laser light together with pupils from grade 9 and 10 and answer the questions how a laser works, why laser light is particular and what scientists in physics can do with lasers.

The Girls’ Day is the worldwide largest project of career guidance for female pupils. Since the start of the project in 2001, more than 1,3 million girls have participated. The day is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and by the Federal Ministry of Family, Seniors, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), as well as by resources from the European Social Fund (ESF).